All Activities in KKC

All Activities Available in KKC

Explore the list of all activities available in KKC by selecting from the dropdown menu above.

List of Activities:

  • Esport
  • Chess Club
  • Volleyball
  • Minecraft Club
  • Board Games
  • Golf
  • Archery
  • skating

Detailed Information:

Activity Description Host
EsportDescription: Interested in League of Legends, Valorant or Rocket League? Bring your friends together to make a team to compete in Term 2. It costs $42 per person. More information can be found at Game nights: LoL: Wednesday. Valorant: Tuesday. RL: Thursday. Games begin at 5pm.Andy Chuang
Chess ClubDescription: Love Chess? Come to room A8 every Wednesday lunchtimes to pit yourself against the schools best! Patrick McMahon
VolleyballTrainings are Monday and Wednesday after school 3:15-4:30. Games are on a Tuesday at Queen Elizabeth Youth Centre, or at the Otumoetai Action Center at the College. Here is a link to where the draw will be found every week. Melissa Christophers
Minecraft ClubYear 7 & 8 Minecraft club is on Thursday Lunchtime in H2Melissa Christophers
Board GamesGames are in the library every Thursday morning before school. Come in to join.By Students
GolfStacey Koppens is the Professional Golf Coach at Fairview Golf Club. Fairview is hosting an upcoming youth event on Sunday 26th March 2023. There is an 18 hole, 9 hole and 6 hole competition as well as weekly coaching available. If you are interested please email Juliet for details or checkout Katikati College Sports Facebook page.External Provider
ArcheryTauranga archers is offering after school lessons for year 7 to 13 students at Graham Park.  This is a weekly lesson, run over six weeks where students learn the basic safety and techniques for shooting a recurve bow. We have recently received funding to offer this course to students to help make it more accessible. This means we can offer the course for $30 for 6 sessions. ($5 per session)  The full price without funding is $180. The funded course is open to all students but there are only 60 places available Courses can be run after school weekdays or possibly Saturday Mornings Students will also get the opportunity to compete with other schools around the country through the Archery in Schools inter school competition run by Archery New Zealand.External Provider
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