
Salsa is one of the most popular Latin dances that is today practiced worldwide. Salsa dance emerged in the Central American country
of Cuba during the late 19th and early years of the 20th century. This country's rich musical history enabled many Latin dances to thrive,
grow, and morph into new forms, leading to modern Salsa dance and Salsa music by the 1920s.

The full origin of the term "Salsa" was never precisely identified. Although the same Spanish word
was used beforehand in close connection with Latin dance, the modern version of the term was
popularized not organically but with the marketing push of the record labels
and promoters who wanted to introduce this dance to the broader public.
In its earliest form, "salsa" is a Spanish term that means "spice."

Salsa Dance Workout

Beginner's Guide: How To Salsa Dance (With Partner)

How To Salsa (Solo)