Estimated Timeframes
Term 3 Week(s)
Topic and Notes Activities and Resources
Week 5 Intro to HCI and Databases
Nielson's 10 Heuristics
Yes, you need to remember them for the Exam.
Setting up your own database
Direct Link to the CSFieldGuide.
Week 6 Displaying your database on with HTML
Investigate other GUIs
Displaying data in Rows
Displaying data in Grids/Cards
TBD - Looking at other interfaces with Grids (Countdown/Animates/Amazon)
Week 7 More Database and Web Skills
Searching, Displaying with Libraries, Inserting
Searching with a PHP form
Search Demo
Week 8 More GUI investigations and "Studies" Minecraft GUI Task
Note: A copy is created for you on Google Classroom
Week 9 Detailed Linking Linking to more detailed entries
Week 10 Studying GUI - Steam/PBtech/Air NZ Te Reo Maori in NZ Websites
Term 4: Term 3 Holidays
Week 1 Catch-up + External/Internal Consistency
Week 2 Assessment - Derived Grade Exam
Week 3 ???

Key NCEA Facts:

60 Level2+ Credits

UE - 5 Reading and 5 Writing Credits

Applications for Uni uses Y12 Credits and results

Looking ahead at Y13?

UoA has cutscores, this means Merit and Excellences matter!

Want to do Uni papers in Y13? Must have UE literacy

Other Useful links and resources:

NCEA Exam Timetable

Stationary List