Estimated Timeframes
Term 1 Week(s)
Topic and Notes Activities and Resources
Week 1 Recap on Tables and Queries
Skip if needed. By some mircale we may be ahead for once.
plastronics.sql (Sample database)
Week 2 Input Forms
Inserting with PDO, Includes, Searching, User-friendly
Main Instructions/Example
Week 3-4 CRUD
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Note: Difficulty Spike here
Mount Task
Week 5-6 Secure Logins
User accounts, passwords, hashing
Registering/Logging in
The last one is probably the most important, what could go wrong if we skip the first 2?
Week 7 Extra Stuff - PDFs/Graphs
Ever wondered how KAMAR Graphs are made?
A few examples to choose from!
Week 8-10 Assessment
May want to start earlier.
Marking Schedule
Term 2: Term 1 Holidays
Continue on Assessment
Week 1 Catch-up
Week 2 Assessment Check-point
Week 3 Complete Assessment

Other Useful links and resources:

Video Instruction on Setting up VSCode at home

Old Slide with everything