92005 Develop a digital technologies outcome

Term 1 Week(s) Topic and Notes Activities and Resources
Week 1-2 Recap on HTML and CSS
Divs, Classes, Arranging layouts
First Webpage
Ice Cream Files
Furniture Store Files(South Gum)
Furniture Store Instructions(South Gum)
Week 3-4 Structure of Webites
Links, Images, Grids
Van Task
Grid Example
Wireframe Examples
Week 5 Conventions of Websites
Banner/Logos, Navigation Bars, Articles, Footers, Responsiveness
Dog Task Instructions
Many Dog Websites
Week 6 Image Editing
Creating Custom Logos/Banners/Buttons
Note: May finish early and start JavaScript earlier.
Week 7-10 JavaScript
Extension(s): A first look into Libraries OR Back-End Databases OR JavaScript
Assessment Start - Choosing your topic. (Probably earlier for this...)
Assessment Instructions
Quiz JS Demo

Assessment Clarifications
Term 2: Term 1 Holidays
Work on Assessment if needed
Week 1-2 JavaScript
More interactivity, animations and enhancements
Note: We will never fully master JS in Y11!
Assessment Continues
Week 3+ Assessments Continues
Back to Databases or wait til Term 4
Week TBD Feedback and Checkpoints on Assessments
Prepare for Python Starting Week 5-6

Other Useful links and resources:

THE MOST IMPORTANT: php.kkc.school.nz