Estimated Timeframes Term 2 Week(s) |
Topic and Notes | Activities and Resources |
Week 3 | Java Recap Know your JavaFX (Labels, TextInput, TextArea) Variables, ArrayList |
You're starting from Scratch! |
Week 4-5 | Canvas and Scenes GraphicsContext, draw, fill |
CanvasTest, FlagDrawer |
Week 6 | Mouse Events |
Shape Placer Answers or Hints |
Week 7-8 | File Reading & More Mouse Events If you've done file reading last year, this will be easier :D | Balloon Game |
Week 9-10 | Polymorphism | AnimalTarget + AnimalCollector |
Term 3: | Term 2 Holidays If you can start and complete the AnimalGame, it will be great since this is how you know you're ready for the assessment! |
Week 1 | Catch-up | |
Week 2 | Assessment Start | |
Week 4 | Complete Assessment |