91892 Used Advanced Techniques to Develop a Database

Estimated Timeframes Week(s) Topic and Notes Activities and Resources
Week 1 Recap on HTML, CSS and Tables
Mr Chuang trying to cure memory loss.
Warmup Task - Making HTML tables and pages
Week 2-3 Intro to SQL
Importing Data to PHPMyAdmin. Queries with SELECT, INSERT
Exercises + McDonalds
Mac Data File
Remember we just need 8 columns for the MacDonalds Table. Not EVERY Column!
Editable copies will be assigned on Google Classroom (Classwork Tab)
Week 4-5 Making a PHP Website
Querying with PHP
Forms for Searching.
Extension: Advanced Search
McDonalds & Recipes
Instructions on Text-Search, Quick Queries and Combined Nav bars
Week 6-8
Note: Large Difficulty Spike here.
Multiple Tables
Inserting Data with a Form
Extra Curricular + MTG
Instructions on adding with a HTML form
MTG Task - Implementing Adding and Editing
Week 9-10 Assessment Start Assessment Instructions
Term 2: Term 1 Holidays
Work on Assessment if needed
Week 1-2 Assessment Continues + Feedback/Checkpoint
Week 3 Assessments Hand-ins
Week 4 Start Java

Other Useful links and resources:

THE MOST IMPORTANT: php.kkc.school.nz

Setting up VSCode at home