Science is an amazing subject. It is great for everyone to learn about the fascinating things that happening within this universe. There are fascinating technolgy that humans have invented to look at detailed images about different objects. Space science helps us understand the universe and our place in it. It answers fundamental questions about the origin, evolution, and nature of celestial bodies, which contributes to our collective knowledge. Space research drives the development of cutting-edge technologies. Many innovations initially developed for space missions have found applications in everyday life, such as GPS, satellite communications, and medical imaging technologies.pace plays a vital role in national security, including communication, surveillance, and navigation. Understanding space science is essential for maintaining and protecting these capabilities.
I do not own any of the images shown in this website, and the contents of this website are used under each source's copyright terms, and New Zealand's "Copyright Act 1994". This website is for eduational and informational purposes only.
Cosmic Cliffs image from NASA website
The James Webb Space Telescope image is from (Image credit: dima_zel via Getty Images)(Image credit: NASA/C. Gunn)(Image credit: NASA)
The Hubble Space Telescope image is from (Image credit: dima_zel via Getty Images)
Space logo is from Freepik
Hubble Telescope Images from NASA Hubblesite