• Fine Art Digital Nature Photography : Tips, Techniques and Creative Options for Serious Novices to Advanced Dig

    Author: Tony Sweet
    Stock: 1
    Gernre: Art-Ph

    Rating /5: 4.18
    ISBN: 9780811734943
    Price: 46.60
    The latest digital photography techniques explained in concise detail Includes more than 40 before-and-after photographs enhanced with digital techniques Software screen captures illustrate how to adjust images for optimal results Digital cameras and software have revolutionized the world of photography. With seemingly endless products available, photographers are challenged to find what will work best for their individual needs. Renowned photographer Tony Sweet guides readers through numerous lessons, from performing camera "swipes" and creating abstract images to applying filters and transforming infrared images--all illustrated with his stunning nature photos. Readers will learn how to use a variety of plug-ins, filters, exposure elements, adjustment layers, film emulation software, and more.
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