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Myths of Sport Coaching

Amy Whitehead

10,000 hours? Learning styles? Coaches need to be cruel to be kind? Coaches should have previous elite competing experience? Parental involvement? Coaching female athletes is different? Sport Coaching is complex and multi-faceted, and the role of the coach involves an unlimited number of theories and responsibilities. With this, comes a plethora of information on how to coach effectively and what we should be aware of as coaches. Sometimes this information can become 'muddied' and misconstrued. This book aims to unpick some of the key ideas, practices and messages within the domain and determine what credible research has actually concluded. Myths of Sport Coaching is written by leading international researchers and practitioners and offers invaluable theoretical and practical guidance, debunking some common myths and misconceptions in an engaging and informative way. The book supports an evidence-based practice approach and is an important companion for all those learning through sport and hopefully to reflect critically on the way you operate within your sport. Each chapter contains a QR code to a video from the chapter author and this connection introduces the wonderful people we share this book with and their passion. We hope this book helps you demystify some of the challenges you are facing on your journey.

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Myths of Sport Coaching