(note when it comes to reciving damage and saving throws in 40k it is always handled with a 6 sided dice)
M=Movement: how far this unit can move in inches
S=strength: the attack power of a melee weapon(ties into toughness)
T=toughness: a units resistance to melee attacks eg: 4T vs 4S = 3+ to wound
Sv=armor save: a set number that if rolled higher then will not take wounds in range combat eg: if a unit has 2+ Sv, anything 2 or higher will stop the attack
W=Wounds: how much help a unit has
Ld=leadership: if the unit is bellow half strength, role 2d6 for a leadership test, if equal or higher then the unit with the highest Ld, it passes, of lower, then the unit suffers from various debuffs
OC=objective control: how many points you get for this unit being on a captured objective(stacks with other units)