Card ID Name Rarity
452872Arboretum Elemental
452841Arclight Phoenix
452901Artful Takedown
452902Assassin's Trophy
452971Assure // Assemble
452903Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice
452842Barging Sergeant
452811Barrier of Bones
452812Bartizan Bats
452904Beacon Bolt
452905Beamsplitter Mage
452873Beast Whisperer
452751Blade Instructor
452813Blood Operative
452843Book Devourer
452906Boros Challenger
452993Boros Guildgate
452981Boros Locket
452752Bounty Agent
452874Bounty of Might
452814Burglar Rat
452753Candlelight Vigil
452781Capture Sphere
452908Centaur Peacemaker
452982Chamber Sentry
452909Chance for Glory
452910Charnel Troll
452782Chemister's Insight
452815Child of Night
452983Chromatic Lantern
452875Circuitous Route
452783Citywatch Sphinx
452754Citywide Bust
452755Collar the Culprit
452844Command the Storm
452911Conclave Cavalier
452912Conclave Guildmage
452756Conclave Tribunal
452972Connive // Concoct
452845Cosmotronic Wave
452913Crackling Drake
452816Creeping Chill
452757Crush Contraband
452876Crushing Canopy
452914Darkblade Agent
452758Dawn of Hope
452784Dazzling Lights
452817Dead Weight
452818Deadly Visit
452915Deafening Clarion
452785Devious Cover-Up
452877Devkarin Dissident
452995Dimir Guildgate
452786Dimir Informant
452984Dimir Locket
452916Dimir Spybug
452846Direct Current
452973Discovery // Dispersal
452787Disdainful Stroke
452917Disinformation Campaign
452878District Guide
452760Divine Visitation
452819Doom Whisperer
452820Douser of Lights
452788Dream Eater
452789Drowned Secrets
452847Electrostatic Field
452918Emmara, Soul of the Accord
452790Enhanced Surveillance
452848Erratic Cyclops
452919Erstwhile Trooper
452920Etrata, the Silencer
452974Expansion // Explosion
452849Experimental Frenzy
452850Fearless Halberdier
452975Find // Finality
452851Fire Urchin
452921Firemind's Research
452761Flight of Equenauts
452976Flower // Flourish
452966Fresh-Faced Recruit
452922Garrison Sergeant
452985Gatekeeper Gargoyle
452997Gateway Plaza
452879Generous Stray
452762Gird for Battle
452986Glaive of the Guildpact
452923Glowspore Shaman
452852Goblin Banneret
452853Goblin Cratermaker
452924Goblin Electromancer
452854Goblin Locksmith
452925Golgari Findbroker
452998Golgari Guildgate
452987Golgari Locket
452880Golgari Raiders
452881Grappling Sundew
452855Gravitic Punch
452821Gruesome Menagerie
452791Guild Summit
453000Guildmages' Forum
452763Haazda Marshal
452926Hammer Dropper
452882Hatchery Spider
452764Healer's Hawk
452856Hellkite Whelp
452822Hired Poisoner
452883Hitchclaw Recluse
452927House Guildmage
452765Hunted Witness
452857Inescapable Blaze
452766Inspiring Unicorn
452977Integrity // Intervention
452767Intrusive Packbeast
452872Arboretum Elemental
452841Arclight Phoenix
452901Artful Takedown
452902Assassin's Trophy
452971Assure // Assemble
452903Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice
452842Barging Sergeant
452811Barrier of Bones
452812Bartizan Bats
452904Beacon Bolt
452905Beamsplitter Mage
452873Beast Whisperer
452751Blade Instructor
452813Blood Operative
452843Book Devourer
452906Boros Challenger
452993Boros Guildgate
452981Boros Locket
452752Bounty Agent
452874Bounty of Might
452814Burglar Rat
452753Candlelight Vigil
452781Capture Sphere
452908Centaur Peacemaker
452982Chamber Sentry
452909Chance for Glory
452910Charnel Troll
452782Chemister's Insight
452815Child of Night
452983Chromatic Lantern
452875Circuitous Route
452783Citywatch Sphinx
452754Citywide Bust
452755Collar the Culprit
452844Command the Storm
452911Conclave Cavalier
452912Conclave Guildmage
452756Conclave Tribunal
452972Connive // Concoct
452845Cosmotronic Wave
452913Crackling Drake
452816Creeping Chill
452757Crush Contraband
452876Crushing Canopy
452914Darkblade Agent
452758Dawn of Hope
452784Dazzling Lights
452817Dead Weight
452818Deadly Visit
452915Deafening Clarion
452785Devious Cover-Up
452877Devkarin Dissident
452995Dimir Guildgate
452786Dimir Informant
452984Dimir Locket
452916Dimir Spybug
452846Direct Current
452973Discovery // Dispersal
452787Disdainful Stroke
452917Disinformation Campaign
452878District Guide
452760Divine Visitation
452819Doom Whisperer
452820Douser of Lights
452788Dream Eater
452789Drowned Secrets
452847Electrostatic Field
452918Emmara, Soul of the Accord
452790Enhanced Surveillance
452848Erratic Cyclops
452919Erstwhile Trooper
452920Etrata, the Silencer
452974Expansion // Explosion
452849Experimental Frenzy
452850Fearless Halberdier
452975Find // Finality
452851Fire Urchin
452921Firemind's Research
452761Flight of Equenauts
452976Flower // Flourish
452966Fresh-Faced Recruit
452922Garrison Sergeant
452985Gatekeeper Gargoyle
452997Gateway Plaza
452879Generous Stray
452762Gird for Battle
452986Glaive of the Guildpact
452923Glowspore Shaman
452852Goblin Banneret
452853Goblin Cratermaker
452924Goblin Electromancer
452854Goblin Locksmith
452925Golgari Findbroker
452998Golgari Guildgate
452987Golgari Locket
452880Golgari Raiders
452881Grappling Sundew
452855Gravitic Punch
452821Gruesome Menagerie
452791Guild Summit
453000Guildmages' Forum
452763Haazda Marshal
452926Hammer Dropper
452882Hatchery Spider
452764Healer's Hawk
452856Hellkite Whelp
452822Hired Poisoner
452883Hitchclaw Recluse
452927House Guildmage
452765Hunted Witness
452857Inescapable Blaze
452766Inspiring Unicorn
452977Integrity // Intervention
452767Intrusive Packbeast