Welcome to the Recipes Demo Website
For now we just want to copy some data and make a recipe list.
Mr Chuang should have set up the template code nicely...
Things to do:
  • 5 rows per category. 3 pages/categories in total
  • Adjust the CSS to a different style of your choice.
  • Replace the banner picture with something sensible
  • Resize all the images to be roughly the same. You should use CSS classes/ids for this.
  • Download the pictures and link them properly rather than linking to the website externally
  • Challenge: Provide the cooking and prep time and have an option to sort the table either by time or alphabetically.
  • By the way, all reciples are from ArchanasKitchen
    Recipe Title Category Original URL Image
    Multigrain Pizza with Roasted Vegetables Recipe Pizza link
    Pizza title #2 Pizza YOUR CODE HERE YOUR CODE HERE